You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.

Falco’s Children’s Village is dedicated to raising orphaned children in a Christ centered home, emphasizing sustainability, empowerment and personal development.
Of the 42 million people in Tanzania, 2.5 million are orphans under the age of 15. Children in Tanzania are thrown away daily into rivers and streams, beside the highways, buried alive, sold for sex or sold as wives as young as 7 years of age.
The video below is in memory of Tammy Falco Backus
Falco’s Children’s Village was founded on the idea that each child, no matter what circumstance they were born into, has infinite worth and potential that can be discovered and developed in a safe and nurturing environment.
Falco’s children find safety, love, a sense of belonging and a bright future. They are given a wide variety of educational, vocational, and recreational experiences to help them each grow individually and be ready for adulthood.
Social Welfare of Tanzania issued a letter stating that Falco’s Children’s Village cares for orphans the correct way, by educating and training them how to take care of themselves when they are old enough to leave the village.
The only way to change the ugly cycle in Tanzania is to teach the children today to be the future leaders of Tanzania tomorrow. Falco’s Children’s Village promises a long-term investment in the futures of the children for which it cares.
More than a home, Falco’s Children Village strive to prepare children to be self-sufficient through academic and vocational training, and gives them a strong foundation in the Christian faith.

When we were given Elizabeth in November of 2017, she weighed less than 2 pounds. We immediately assigned her to a mother to care for her and to keep her isolated from the other children in her own room. We prayed for God’s help to save and nourish her to grow and be healthy.

This picture was taken only 13 months later on December 13, 2018. Today Elizabeth has made a full recovery and is a healthy 2-year-old. This is the kind of impact we have to help children who have been abandoned and abused. We are not just providing a good education and home, we are literally saving lives every day. This is an example of how our Lord is helping all of our children to be transformed.